
Converting from CyberWorldReset to XenoWorldReset.

This wiki page explains how you can convert from CyberWorldReset to XenoWorldReset.

Updating a plugin can cause a lot of headache when it comes to new configuration files. Fortunately, XWR has converters that transfer data from all prior versions (standard and premium)!

Warning: The converters have been tested to the best of my ability and should be able to convert any prior versions of CyberWorldReset Standard and Premium. Please keep your old files until you are completely sure all data has been successfully transferred.


  1. Stop your server completely.
  2. Start by deleting any old jar files you may have of CyberWorldReset. XWR will not boot if you still have CWR installed. Do NOT delete the CyberWorldReset folder!
  3. Add the latest XenoWorldReset jar file to your plugins folder.
  4. Start your server.
  5. Run /xwr convert. XWR should automatically detect your previous version and convert all data.

It’s really that simple!

Specifying conversion version

If you want to ensure XWR converts your old files correctly, you can specify which version you are upgrading from in the command /xwr convert <identifier>

Identifier Edition Versions
CWRPv1 CyberWorldReset Premium 1.0.0 - 1.4.7
CWRSv0 CyberWorldReset Standard 0.3.0 - 0.6.1


The only data that will not be converted is any old commands, placeholders, and permissions that are contained in other plugin configurations. Please manually update these as needed.

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