Frequently Asked Questions

Questions, that have been answered on the Discord server frequently, are posted here.

Some information may be outdated. If you find any outdated information, please contact us on Discord!

Can you reset the overworld (main world)?

Unfortunately, it is not possible at this moment. The overworld is the main world and cannot be reset. However, you can reset the Nether and the End, or just any other manually created world.

How can I pregenerate the world after the reset?

You can use the Chunky plugin to pregenerate the world. The commands are as follows:

    - '[AFTER] chunky world <world>'
    - '[AFTER] chunky radius <radius>'
    - '[AFTER] chunky center <x> <z>'
    - '[AFTER] chunky start'

Don’t forget that these commands need to be triggered AFTER the reset. You can use the AFTER keyword to do so (as in example above).

Commands & Permissions