
List of placeholders available in XenoWorldReset.

This wiki page contains a list of all the placeholders in XWR that are available to other plugins.

External placeholders

PlaceholderAPI is a plugin for SpigotMC servers that allows server owners to display data from various plugins with a standardized format. The format, which is called an external placeholder, is an identifier surrounded by percent signs % and will be replaced with the provided data from the plugin.

The ability to add external placeholders to XWR’s lang.yml strings is possible. Please review this article on how to add them.

XWR contains it’s own external placeholders that can be used in other plugins. See the table below for a list of available placeholders. Before adding a placeholder to another plugin, ensure the plugin supports PlaceholderAPI.

Placeholder (external) Description
%xwr_reset_status% Reset status of next resetting world.
%xwr_reset_status_<world>% Reset status of specific world.
%xwr_reset_percent_<world>% Reset percentage of specific world.
%xwr_reset_processes_total_<world>% Total reset processes of a specific world.
%xwr_reset_processes_completed_<world>% Completed reset process of a specific world.
%xwr_teleport_cooldown_global% Player’s global teleport cooldown.
%xwr_teleport_cooldown_world_<world>% Player’s world teleport cooldown.

Internal placeholders

Additionally, XWR has internal placeholders, which can only be used within XWR’s config files. An internal placeholder is a an identifier surrounded by curly brackets {} and will be replaced with data from XWR.

These can be placed anywhere within a message in lang.yml.

Placeholder (internal) Description
{player} Player’s username.
{playerDisplayName} Player’s display name.
{playerUUID} Player’s unique ID.
{playerWorld} Player’s world.
{playerGamemode} Player’s gamemode.
{playerX} Player’s X-coordinate.
{playerY} Player’s Y-coordinate.
{playerZ} Player’s Z-coordinate.
{playerYaw} Player’s yaw.
{playerPitch} Player’s pitch.

Commands & Permissions