You can customize the messages to any language you want. Keep in mind lang.yml is both backwards and forwards compatible. Below are some premade configuration files.
- English (Default)
- Spanish by CroaBeast#3996
- French by Yumithecat#6546
- Russian by Kihsomray#0001
- Czech by Kléma#2152
- Vietnamese by Dean Le#2431
- Norwegian by (98%)#7919
More translations are coming soon. If you would like to translate, reach out to Kihsomray on Discord or Spigot.
Messages can be a tedious process to configure to your liking. A suggestions would be to use a text editor like Visual Studio Code (free). Functions like ctrl+f can be helpful to locate specific keywords and quickly change them. If you want to change multiple strings, you can use the replace tool VS Code has built-in.
Translating an entire config can take time, this is why we recommend using a translator like DeepL, one of the most accurate free translators currently available.
Formatting Messages
Sometimes there can be a message you do not want your players to see. You can prevent a message (or prefix) from being sent by leaving an empty string. Other times you want to send a mutli-line message. This can be done (in the premium edition) by using /n (new line character) or changing the string into a list (look at admin-help as an example).
The available internal placeholders are all (usually) already listed within the default messages. The only exception is those that have a comment around them (observe placeholder-api section).
External placeholders (PlaceholderAPI) may be used throughout most of the lang.yml file, with the exception being the placeholder-api and time section.
Default Configuration
Version 0.6.1
prefix: '&b&lCyber&f&lWorldReset &8»&r'
no-permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to do that!'
- '&8&m―――――&8<&b&l Cyber&f&lWorldReset &8>&8&m―――――'
- '&8➼ &b/cwr about &fAbout the plugin.'
- '&8➼ &b/cwr help &fSee the help menu.'
- '&8&m―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――'
- '&8&m―――――&8<&b&l Cyber&f&lWorldReset &8>&8&m―――――'
- '&8➼ &b/cwr about &fAbout the plugin.'
- '&8➼ &b/cwr help &fSee the help menu.'
- '&8➼ &b/cwr reload &fReload the plugin.'
- '&8➼ &b/cwr confirm &fConfirm an action.'
- '&8➼ &b/cwr reset [<world>] &fRegenerate a world.'
- '&8➼ &b/cwr save [<world>] &fBackup a world.'
- '&8➼ &b/cwr create [<world>] &fCreate a world setup.'
- '&8➼ &b/cwr info [<world>] &fInfo about world setup.'
- '&8&m―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――'
- '&8➼ &b/cwr edit <world> <setting> <value> &fAdjust a setting.'
- '&7Please visit the Spigot page for details on editing'
- '&7a world setup or use TAB-complete!'
- '&8&m―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――'
# global
kick-reason: '&cThe world "{world}" is regenerating! Please join back momentarily.'
still-regenerating: '&cA world is in the process of being reset. Please join back momentarily.'
cancel-teleport: '&cThe world "{world}" is regenerating! You cannot teleport there right now.'
teleporting-safe-world: '&7This world is resetting, teleporting you to the safe world...'
teleported-safe-world: '&aYou have been teleported to the safe world!'
teleporting-back: '&7Teleporting you back to world "{world}"...'
teleported-back: '&aYou have successfully been teleported back!'
# admin
reloading: '&7Reloading...'
reloaded: '&aReloaded!'
default-world-fail: '&cThe world "{world}" is a default world (! This world cannot be reset!'
world-not-exist: '&cThe world "{world}" does not exist!'
same-world-fail: '&cYou cannot set the safe world to be the same as the world you''re resetting ("{world}")!'
unload-failed: '&cThe world "{world}" failed to unload!'
already-resetting: '&cThe world "{world}" is already resetting!'
resetting-error: '&cA world is being reset. This action cannot be completed.'
safeworld-not-set: '&cPlease set a safe world before enabling the safe world option (&7/cwr edit {world} setSafeWorld <world>&c).'
invalid-safeworld: '&cThe world cannot be reset with the safe world "{safeWorld}"! Please adjust it (&7/cwr {world} edit setSafeWorld <world>&c).'
setup-created: '&aThe world setup "{world}" has been created! Don''t forget to edit/enable it!'
setup-already-exists: '&cThe world setup "{world}" already exists! Edit it using &a/cwr edit <world> <setting> <value>&7.'
no-setups-found: '&cNo world setups found. Create one with &7/cwr create [<world>]&c.'
setup-doesnt-exist: '&cThe world setup "{world}" does not exist!'
saving-world: '&aAttempting to save the world "{world}".'
save-failed: '&cThe world "{world}" failed to save!'
save-success: '&aThe world "{world}" has been saved!'
regen-success: '&aThe world "{world}" has been successfully reset!'
no-saves: '&cThis world has not yet been saved. Save it using &7/cwr save [<world>]&c.'
not-enabled: '&cThis world has not yet been enabled. Enable it using &7/cwr edit {world} setEnabled true&c.'
no-messages-found: '&cNo messages found, please add one first.'
invalid-index: '&cThat is an invalid index, please use a number in the range {min} - {max}.'
file-delete-failed: '&cThe world "{world}" failed to delete!'
world-create-failed: '&cThe world "{world}" failed to save to the file!'
rolling-back-world: '&aAttempting to rollback the world "{world}".'
rollback-failed: '&cThe world "{world}" failed to roll back!'
rollback-success: '&aThe world "{world}" has been rolled back! Now loading the world...'
confirm-regen: '&7Please confirm that you would like to regenerate "{world}" with &a/cwr confirm &7within {time}.'
confirmation-needed: '&cYou have already run this command. Please use &7/cwr confirm &cto regenerate!'
confirmation-completed: '&aWorld regeneration has been confirmed for "{world}"!'
confirmation-expired: '&cConfirmation for regenerating "{world}" has expired!'
confirmation-not-required: '&cYou have nothing to confirm.'
invalid-command: '&cIncorrect use of arguments!'
setting-set-failed: '&cFailed to write the setting to the world config.'
setting-set-success: '&aThe setting has been updated successfully.'
custom-generator-warning: '&6Please make sure to add this generator to bukkit.yml, otherwise chunks can get messy after a reboot.'
# info strings
info-header: '&8&m―――――&8<&b&l {world} &8>&8&m―――――'
info-enabled: '&fEnabled: &7{boolean}'
info-last-saved: '&fLast Saved: &7{boolean}'
info-seed: '&fSeed: &7{seed}'
info-generator: '&fGenerator: &7{generator}'
info-environment: '&fEnvironment: &7{environment}'
- 'Basic Info'
- 'Timers'
- 'Messages'
- 'Safe World'
- 'Warnings'
- ' Times'
- 'Commands'
info-list-header: '&b{header}:'
info-list-format: '&8 ➼ &f{id}: &7{value}'
info-safe-world-enabled: '&f Enabled: &7{enabled}'
info-safe-world-world: '&f World: &7{world}'
info-safe-world-delay: '&f Delay: &7{delay}'
info-safe-world-spawn: '&f Spawn: &7{spawn}'
info-warning: '&f Enabled: &7{enabled}'
info-title: '&f Title: &7{title}'
info-subtitle: '&f Subtitle: &7{subtitle}'
info-footer: '&8&m―――――――――――――――――――――――――'
# world list strings
list-header: '&8&m―――――&8<&b&l Worlds &8>&8&m―――――'
list-info: '&8➼ &b{world} &7- Enabled: &f{enabled}'
list-footer: '&8&m―――――――――――――――――――――――――'
# time formats
days: '&a{time} Day(s)'
hours: '&a{time} Hour(s)'
minutes: '&a{time} Minute(s)'
seconds: '&a{time} Second(s)'
splitter: '&a, '
countdown: '&aReset in: {formattedTime}'
# internal placeholders: {seconds} {formattedTime} {world}
no-running-timers: '&cNo running timers' # {world}
initializing: '&6Initializing...' # {world}
starting: '&eStarting...' # {world}
progress: '&aETA: {formattedTime} ({chunkNumber}/{chunkTotal}) [{percent}%]'
# internal placeholders: {seconds} {formattedTime} {percent} {tps} {chunkNumber} {chunkTotal} {world}
finishing: '&aFinishing...' # {world}
invalid-world: '&cInvalid world' # {world}