Level colors

A simple way to display level colors using CyberLevels placeholder and ConditionalText plugin.

Table of contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements
  3. Setting up a basic level color display
  4. Conclusion


In this tutorial, I will show you how to display level colors using the CyberLevels placeholder and ConditionalText plugin. This tutorial is for server owners or administrators who want to display level colors in chat, tablist, or any other place where you can use placeholders.


Setting up a basic level color display

After you install the required plugins, you can start setting up the level colors. You will go to the ConditionalText plugin folder and open the settings.yml file. You will create a new section, where you can add your conditions. Here is an example of how you can set up the level colors:

  placeholder: '%clv_player_level%'
  - '=1;&a%clv_player_level%' # Add a green color if player's level is 1
  - '=2;&b%clv_player_level%' # Add a blue color if player's level is 2
  - '<5;&d%clv_player_level%' # Add a dark red color if player's level is under 5
  - '%clv_player_level%' # Add a fallback option in case no rules are able to be applied

Don’t forget to reload the plugin after you save the file using /conditionaltext reload.

If you haven’t changed the output name of the placeholders from ConditionalText in settings.yml, you can use %conditionaltext_level% to display the level colors.


In this tutorial, you learned how to display level colors using the CyberLevels placeholder and ConditionalText plugin. You can customize the colors and conditions to fit your server’s theme. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to ask on our Discord server.