Commands & Permissions

Available commands with their permissions available in CLV.

This wiki page contains a list of all the commands and permissions in CLV, with a short explanation.

  • Player - a typical user of the server.
  • Admin - Administrators, moderators, owner, server technicians, etc.

Some things to note:

  • The default prefix is /clv or /cyberlevels. You can’t change it.
  • Commands are NOT case-sensitive.
  • Mostly all commands could be run from the console.
  • You can tab-complete commands and sub-commands (player names are also tab-completing).
  • Arguments with brackets [] surrounding it, means that argument is optional.
  • Arguments with chevrons <> are variables, you need to replace them with your own input. If they aren’t wrapped in brackets, they are required.
  • Do not include the brackets/chevrons in the command.


Command Group Permission Description
/clv Player Help menu.
/clv about Player CyberLevels.player.about About the plugin.
/clv top Player - View the top leaderboard.
/clv info [<player>] Player See a player’s level/exp progress.
/clv addExp <amount> [<player>] Admin CyberLevels.admin.exp.add Increase a player’s EXP balance.
/clv setExp <amount> [<player>] Admin CyberLevels.admin.exp.set Set a player’s EXP balance.
/clv removeExp <amount> [<player>] Admin CyberLevels.admin.exp.remove Decrease a player’s EXP balance.
/clv addLevel <amount> [<player>] Admin CyberLevels.admin.levels.add Increase a player’s level.
/clv setLevel <amount> [<player>] Admin CyberLevels.admin.levels.set Set a player’s level.
/clv removeLevel <amount> [<player>] Admin CyberLevels.admin.levels.remove Decrease a player’s level.

NOTE: you can also use /levels, /level, /cyberlvl or /cyberlevels.